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How can you allow editors to clear (manage) the WP Rocket cache

How can you allow editors to clear (manage) the WP Rocket cache

First of, you should look at the official documentation customize-access WP Rocket. This article uses the same technique but adds a trick. When you use the init hook, the function runs every time the hook fires. To reduce this, we have added an option and before we run the full function we check if that […]

load_plugin_textdomain is not working, how to debug

Loading the textdomain for a custom plugin can feel like a nightmare. It either works, or you are endlessly trying to alter it untill it workd. wp_debug is no help and there you feel you do not have any way to debug it. Untill now: load_plugin_textdomain does return true or false and if it is […]

Simple 301 redirects - Bulk Check

# Simple 301 Redirects – Bulk Check # Upload your CSV and verify every redirect is working. Workflow Requirements 1 Upload the plugin * WordPress installation 2 Activate the plugin * Administrator rights 2 Open admin page: ‘Bulk Redirect’ under tools * CSV file 4 Upload CSV * Mouse to press Run 5 Press Run […]

WooCommerce - order info and order notification

We have two plugins in the puddinq repository, that enhance the WooCommerce order screen. One gives more information about the order products, the other an order notification when an order is placed. Order information Order notification

Enhanced order list for WooCommerce

We have developed a small plugin the enhances the WooCommerce orderscreen with order products and specified order costs.. for the moment. More enhancements, filters and search options will be available soon. Check out the WordPress repository

Guest writer

Guest writer is a puddinq plugin that could suit your needs. The setup is simple: create a user role that can edit one post type. The options vary from allowing (un) registered people posting content that is automatically published or after a test of a moderator. Let people register frontend and create edit / posts […]

woocommerce list and compare

Plugin that lists and compares products. WooCommerce is a very nice free plugin for WordPress. WooCommerce Pud is a complementary plugin that offers two abilities: to list products and compare them. Both functionalities are not standard in WooCommerce and are not represented in the WordPress repository very well. WooCommerce Pud tops it and combines them: WooCommerce List AND Compare.  […]

Analytics in wordpress (cached)

Verion: 0.1.0 Though www.google.nl itself does not get an impressive score when run through PageSpeed Insight. You might frown when you added the analytic script as Google instructed and Google tells you it is not right when you check your site on PageSpeed. For wordpress I made a plugin that solves this: It downloads the analytics.js, puts it […]