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Remove WooCommerce orders

Remove WooCommerce orders

Sometimes you need to clean up. One way of making your tables smaller is to delete data that is not used anymore,.. old orders in WooCommerce could be an option.

Add attachment to WooCommerce mail for certain products

Lets say you want an attachment.pdf added to an completed order mail in WooCommerce if certain products are in the order. How do you add and attachment in that case? With the following code you be able to select one of the mails send in the proces and add the attachment if one of the […]

woocommerce list and compare

Plugin that lists and compares products. WooCommerce is a very nice free plugin for WordPress. WooCommerce Pud is a complementary plugin that offers two abilities: to list products and compare them. Both functionalities are not standard in WooCommerce and are not represented in the WordPress repository very well. WooCommerce Pud tops it and combines them: WooCommerce List AND Compare.  […]