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Mac generate (more than one) pkk file from private key

Mac generate (more than one) pkk file from private key

You can generate your (first) ssh key with:

$ ssh-keygen -o -a 100 -t ed25519 -f ~/.ssh/{typeNameForYourKeyHere} -C "{yourName@yourWorkStation}"

Then you can see the key

$ cat < ~/.ssh/{typeNameForYourKeyHere}

Now for FileZilla you might need the pkk file

Therefor you need putty

$ brew install putty
$ puttygen {typeNameForYourKeyHere} -O private -o {typeNameForYourKeyHere}.ppk

While most people will use id_ed25519 or id_rsa as filenames, when using multiple ssh keys it can be useful to give more specific names at {typeNameForYourKeyHere}. When running the above for a second key, it is important to use another name.

I you use multiple keys you can put a ‘config’ file in your .ssh/ folder and assign different keys for different purposes, like so:

$ touch ~/.ssh/config
$ nano ~/.ssh/config
# github
host github.com
user usernameGithub
Identityfile ~/.ssh/{typeNameForYourKeyHere}

# bitbucket
host bitbucket.org
user usernameBitbucket
Identityfile ~/.ssh/{typeNameForYourKeyHere}