Laravel Valet 4 custom local WordPress driver for custom WordPress file path
Using valet has been a joy for years, but my custom local valet driver stopped working after updating to the latest valet (4.1) version due to a different driver folder and the use of namespace (fully php 8 mode). So I updated my local driver for WordPress projects where I hold the WordPress files in […]
Remote execution of local aliases / functions
Make a function sshs to alias ssh and add a cutom file now in that custom file you can put functions
Make output php filesize readable for humans
Mac generate (more than one) pkk file from private key
You can generate your (first) ssh key with: Then you can see the key Now for FileZilla you might need the pkk file Therefor you need putty While most people will use id_ed25519 or id_rsa as filenames, when using multiple ssh keys it can be useful to give more specific names at {typeNameForYourKeyHere}. When running […]
Remove line from command line history
The cli keeps all commands you type and you can access that history. Other people using the same username can also see all those commands.. sometimes it is necessary to remove something.. here are two solutions Another way is with sed: