Checkout: custom date field
In this situation we want a custom field on checkout which has a jQuery Date selector: /** * enqueue jquery datepicker script * * If is not admin (backend) and the page is * woocommerce checkout add the field */
In this situation we want a custom field on checkout which has a jQuery Date selector: /** * enqueue jquery datepicker script * * If is not admin (backend) and the page is * woocommerce checkout add the field */
I had to add a discount for local pickup and at first this looked easy. You can set the costs to be a negative amount. But if the subtotal for the order was smaller then the discount, they got the order for free. So I wanted the discount only if the order subtotal was more […]
You most likely have the analytics script on your site already. There are a few versions and this one uses the _gaq.push one not the ga(…)
If you want a redirect to the www version and a redirect to the https version of your blog, you might add rules to redirect those situations. On any pageload test this kan be punished if it detects tworedirect (both to www and https). To be save time and score, do both redirects in one […]
This line shows a copyright notice with the current year. Add it in your WordPress theme template somwhere. echo “<span id=’copyright’> Copyright © ” . date(‘Y’) . ” PUDDINQ</span>”;
At one site I have a custom role that can only view the orders. The owner wants some users to hav access without a password. Yes this story gets dumber.. He wants to give access by clicking a link. The basic script offered to autologin are hooked in to ‘plugins_loaded’ or ‘wp’. Both these hooks […]
This function writes a csv file to the folder it is run in.
make shortcodes show / not work $content = str_replace( ‘]]>’, ‘]]>’, $post->post_content );
je hebt nodig html2canvas en canvas2image
One thing is to do quality checks, but if you wite your code in a certain way, it can check itself. In your wp-config