Function for bash_profile to test your websites
This is a simple, adjustable function you can put in your bash_profile to test if your websites give the right http status:
function test { declare -a array=( "" "" "" "" "" ) for i in "${array[@]}" do echo -ne "$i "; curl -Is "$i" | head -1 done }
The result will be as simple as: HTTP/2 200 HTTP/2 200 HTTP/2 200 HTTP/2 200 HTTP/2 200
And even better, the script below gives a green output for 200 red for the rest
function test { declare -a array=( "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) bold=$(tput bold) green=$(tput setaf 2) red=$(tput setaf 1) reset=$(tput sgr0) for i in "${array[@]}" do echo -ne "${bold}$i${reset} "; status_code=$(curl -Is "$i" --connect-timeout 5 | head -1) if [[ "$status_code" == *"200"* ]] ; then echo "${green}$status_code${reset} "; else echo "${red}$i${reset} "; fi done }