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Debug your custom code

Debug your custom code

One thing is to do quality checks, but if you wite your code in a certain way, it can check itself.

In your wp-config

define('WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', false);
define( 'WP_DEBUG_LOG', true );
define('WP_DEBUG', true);

debug mode is on but not shown in site, they are logged to a file

A helper function to log

function bcxcxvbcbvfdDebug($trace, $message = '') {
	$file = $trace[0]['file'];
	$function = $trace[0]['function'];
	$line = $trace[0]['line'];
	error_log( 'function: ' . $function . '() in ' . $file . ' on line ' .  $line );
	if (!empty($message)) {
		error_log($function . '(): ' . $message);


function test_debug_function($value) {

    if ($value != 'checked') {
        bcxcxvbcbvfdDebug(debug_backtrace(), 'Value: ' . $value);



[14-Apr-2018 15:34:37 UTC] function: test_debug_function() in /home/lekker/public_html/content/themes/lekker-kontje/functions.php on line 313
[14-Apr-2018 15:34:37 UTC] test_debug_function(): Value: not-checked

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